Excellence in Medical Record Index Maintaining


Outsourcing to iAGS saves you time and money, while allowing easy and efficient navigation around even the largest most complex medical records.

iAGS understands the critical importance of properly organized medical records that are easy to use. We excel in taking complex, often multi-provider records through proven technology assisted eSorting and embedded Quality Control


Outsourcing to iAGS saves you time and money, while allowing easy and efficient navigation around even the largest most complex medical records.

  • Increase the efficiency of your medical record review and that of your trusted medical experts.
  • Accurately capture key information from each medical document, including nature of the encounter, provider name, date of service(s) and other custom data extraction.
  • Create a comprehensive Medical Index.
  • Sort the medical records Chronologically, either in ascending or descending order.
  • Sort by user defined Categories, such as by Provider and Date Range.
  • Purge duplicates, other patient's records and non-related documentation to a separate "dump" file, returned with each completed assignment.
  • Accommodate special instructions anytime you request.
  • Supplemental records may be integrated with the previous file anytime they are available.
  • Insert section tab sheets and bookmarks.
  • Completed Records are delivered in PDF format for easy sharing, for access on the go from your iPad or printing.
  • Dates Numbering for a permanent record.
  • Hyperlinks may be embedded into the Medical Index for instant file navigation of even the largest, multi-year & multi-provider files.

With iAGS's systematically organized electronic medical record in hand, any reviewer can efficiently navigate through the source documents to effectively evaluate even the largest most complex medical record...saving the firm time and money.